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What isNHMS?
NHMS is a health survey at community level across the country to get information on the health status of Malaysians. The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on communicable diseases in Malaysia including health status related to Hepatitis B and C infections. This survey will also assess respondent`s cognitive, affective and behavioral (CAB) pertaining to communicable diseases prevention related to dengue and zoonoses infection. The seroprevalence COVID-19 antibody serosurvey will also be carried out in this survey. This information will be reviewed and evaluated in order to improve the health service in our country. This survey involves;

Seroprevalence study will involve activities such as blood sampling, information taking / short interview and self-administered questionnaires. The topics involve are seroprevalence COVID-19, hepatitis B and C, HIV stigma, dengue prevention and zoonotic infections related to household pet. During this first phase, scouting activities will be conducted to arrange appointments from the respondents and data collection activities will be conducted at nearby health facilities / clinics. A total of 10 ml of blood sample will be taken through venous puncture method for adult respondents while 3.5 ml - 5 ml for children and adolescents. All blood samples will be sent to the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) for COVID-19 laboratory tests while Hepatitis B and C laboratory tests will be sent to a certified private laboratory.

Interview by telephone (Call assisted telephone interview, CATI) will involve similar respondents from the first phase. The topics consist of tuberculosis like symptoms, antibiotic use, HIV knowledge and malaria awareness.
This survey will be conducted with cooperation from the State Liaison Officer (Communicable Disease unit) from each State Health department.

NHMS 2020 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who involved in this survey?
All household members from the randomly selected house will be interviewed and taken blood (Aged ≥ 1 year)
Who will come to the house?
The selected houses will be visited by the Data Collection Team consisting of 4 research assistants’ officers, a nurse and a team supervisor. Data collectors will be provided with:
- Official name tags for identification,
- Letter of appointment
How and why is my house selected?
The houses were randomly selected by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, where approximately 2000 houses representing urban and rural areas were selected throughout Malaysia
What are the survey activities?
- Face to face interview
- Blood sampling for detection of Hepatitis B, C and Covid-19 antibody
- Self-administered Questionnaires
How long does it take for an interview and blood sampling session?
10 – 15 minutes
How does blood collection will be conducted?
All respondents aged 1 years old and above will be recruited for blood collection. Blood will be drawn from a venipuncture procedure. Volume of blood that will be drawn according to age and weight of respondent;
- >15 years old: 10 ml
- Children < 7 years old: 5 ml
- Children 7-15 years old: 5 ml
Can the study or my participation be terminated early?
Your participation in this study is voluntary and no termination will be applied unless you are known to have any non-eligibility criteria after study recruitment.
Will the information obtained be kept confidential?
All your information obtained in this study will be kept and handled in a confidential manner, in accordance with applicable laws and/or regulations. All information will be used for survey and research purposes only.
What are the benefits of being in this survey?
There will be no direct health benefits if you take part in this survey. However, information obtained from this study will help the policy makers to plan towards improving health services and disease control programmes in this country.
If you are recruited for blood investigation, you will get information on your health status related to hepatitis B and C infections as Covid-19 antibody.
Contact Us
Institut Kesihatan Umum (IKU)
Kompleks Institut Kesihatan Negara (NIH)
No.1, Jalan Setia Murni U13/52
Seksyen U13, Setia Alam
40170 Shah Alam, Selangor
m.hatta@moh.gov.my (Principal Investigator)
NHMS Hotline
Telephone: 03-3362 8793
Fax: 03-3362 7801