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What isNHMS MCH?Maternal and Child Health
The National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) has been an important platform for monitoring the health of the population in Malaysia. The objectives of the NHMS are to provide the community-based data on the pattern of common health problems, health service utilisation and health expenditure in the community. Findings of the NHMS support the Ministry of Health to review the priorities and activities of the health programme, to plan for future allocation of resources and to evaluate the impact of strategies.
NHMS MCH first took action in 2016 focusing on maternal and child health. The upcoming survey will be held this year aiming to obtain information on healthcare of woman aged 15-49 during pregnancy, birth and health status of their children under 5 years as well as other women in reproductive age (20-49).

The activities conducted during the survey
Interview session
- Antenatal care
- Pregnancy comorbidity
- Pre-pregnancy care
- Intrapartum care
- Postpartum care
- Infant and young child feeding practice
- Oral health among children
- Child morbidities
- Child discipline
Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ)
- Contraception
- Miscarriage/ abortion
- Intimate partner violence
- Vaccine hesitancy
Examination for children under age 5
- Height and weight measurements
- Immunization record
Data collection period
Listing phase will be held from June – July 2022 and
Data collection will be conducted from August – October 2022
Who involved in this survey?
- Women in reproductive age (15-49 years)
- Women with Last child under age 2
- Children under age 5
Who will come to the household?
The selected household will be visited by the Data Collection Team consisting of 3 research assistants’ officers and a nurse. Data collectors will be provided with:
- Official name tags for identification and letter of appointment
- Permission letter to conduct the survey
How was the household selected?
The household were randomly selected using sampling frame from Department of Statistic, Malaysia, where approximately 14 000 household were selected nationwide.
How long does it take for an interview and anthropometry session?
Approximately 45 minutes.
How we collect our data?
- Face-to-face interviews by trained research assistants and nurses from the Ministry of Health
- Self-administered questionnaires by mothers
- Child’s developmental assessment and measurement of height and weight for children under 5 years
Can the study participation be terminated?
The participation in this study is voluntary and respondent may withdraw at any time.
What is the output from this study?
- The data and report will be made available for main stakeholders for monitoring surveillance and policy formulation (SDG/UHC indicators etc).
- Findings from the survey will also be disseminated in the form of reports, fact sheets, research highlights, infographics, publications and presentations.
- The data set will be made available for the use of any interested party upon request for publication after the lock period of one year has passed.
What are the risks and side effects of participating in this study?
There is no risk if you participate in this survey. The self-administered questionnaires consist of very sensitive and personal questions. All information and answers are treated CONFIDENTIAL.
What are the benefits of being in this survey?
There will be no immediate health benefits if you take part in this survey. However, the information obtained from this study will help the policy making and planning towards improving health services and health program for mother and children in the country.
Contact Us
Institut Kesihatan Umum (IKU)
Kompleks Institut Kesihatan Negara (NIH)
No.1, Jalan Setia Murni U13/52
Seksyen U13, Setia Alam
40170 Shah Alam, Selangor
Dr. Mohd Shaiful Azlan bin Kassim (Principal Investigator)
NHMS Hotline
Telephone: 03-3362 8798